Wednesday 23 November 2011

童冰玉畅谈和雁雁的“恶心”经历...Chris Tong's disgusting experience with Yann Yann?

Chris Tong talks about Petaling Street Warriors and her hilarious and "painful" experience working with Yann Yann. 童冰玉畅谈《大英雄•小男人》

杨雁雁把黄明志当亲弟弟?Yann Yann treats Namewee as her younger brother?

杨雁雁畅谈《大英雄•小男人》Yeo Yann Yann talks about PSW, Namewee's character, and her experience doing kungfu scenes the first time with Chris Tong.


李国煌苦诉他如何害怕被童冰玉色诱... Mark Lee talks about Petaling Street Warriors and his "scary" experience working with Chris Tong Bing Yu

Cast of Petaling Street Warriors 《大英雄•小男人》演员阵容

Main Cast
Mark Lee 李国煌 as Shi Duyao 史都耀
Yeo Yann Yann 杨雁雁 as Zhung Lichun 钟离春
Namewee 黄明志 as Liu Kun 刘坤
Chris Tong 童冰玉 as Xiaoju 小菊
Frederick Lee 李洺中 as Ma Fuyi 马福仪
Sunny Pang 冯推守as Wilson Ng 吴卫生

Supporting Cast
Alvin Wong 王骏 as Yong Kok 杨过
Ramasundran Rengan as Rajoo
Henry Thia 程旭辉 as casino boss, Jay Chow 周董
Chua Bee Seong 蔡炜祥 as Fok Yip Fei 霍叶飞
Nick Dorian as Captain McBribe
Chen Huen Phuei 曾宏辉 as translator-police officer
John Cheng 钟耀南 as the head of Hokkien gang
Tung Yew Ngai 邓有毅 as the right hand man of Hokkien gang
Brandon Yuen as the head of Cantonese gang
Wong Wai Hoong 黄伟雄 as the right hand man of Cantonese gang
Goh You Ping 吴友凭 as spy
Gan Hui Yee 颜慧仪as Mahjie
Chee Cheong Hoe 朱宥六 as fortune teller
Berg Lee Seng Wan as mamasan

Special Appearance
Ho Yuhang 何宇恒 as one of the heads of Three Knives Gang
Kin Wah 周梓华 as one of the heads of Three Knives Gang
Daniel Wong Kian Huat 王健发 as one of the heads of Three Knives Gang
Rayson Tan 陈泰铭 as mysterious man
Steve Yap 叶良财 as Emperor Jianwen
Chen Puie Heng 陈沛兴 as imperial guard
Chye Yang 蔡子洋 as imperial guard
Chong Yun Wah 张詠华 as imperial guard
Agnes Wong 王柔霖 as imperial guard

Tuesday 22 November 2011

大英雄.小男人 PSW Theme song by Namewee FINALLY RELEASED!

小時候 我最愛看的就是漫畫卡通
看完之後 我都會自己亂練武功
幻想自己 長大之後要變成大英雄
這是男孩子的夢 是他的護體神功
西方的Man 有Spider Bat的還有 Super
通常有高強武功 不然就是愛恨情仇壯志未酬

英雄總是與眾不同 (還有) 英雄一定要懂喝酒 ( 還有)
英雄有很多女朋友 但是他們都會把國家人民看得比較重
英雄走路都是Slow mo ( 還有) 英雄要會咻………..BOOM!!! ( 還有)
英雄不能有勇無謀 所以小朋友要努力讀書努力練武功

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功

看現代 的 世界 被惡勢力操縱
擬定的制度和政策 都層出不窮
誰還敢對號入座 看誰還敢當大英雄

你講你幾厲害 還不是要 默默低頭
在世俗眼中 英雄叫作名成立就
當個百萬富翁 你走路才能抬頭挺胸

英雄嘛A死 放屎嘛是臭
放了嘛A餓 餓了無飯吃了嘛是小小
我們從小 都會收到一些警告
要學習的 就是奉公守法乖乖做人 麥假摮

小時候的大英雄 長大之後化為烏有
但他的精神 還流串在我血液之中
我要為事業衝鋒 為自己的理想奮鬥

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功

英雄 想當英雄 當大英雄 千萬不要當個扶不起的阿斗
你會發抖 舉起拳頭 早睡早起大家一起練功

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄

With Malay & English Translation
Big Heroes
Hero Besar

Semasa kecil, aku suka menonton kartun
小時候, 我最愛看的就是漫畫卡通
When I was young, I used to love watching cartoons the most

Selepas menonton kartun, aku berpura-pura mengamal kungfu
看完之後, 我都會自己亂練武功
And then I’d pretend I know kungfu afterwards

Aku berangan-angan menjadi hero handal dewasa kelak
Dreaming that I’d grow up becoming a big hero

Inilah angan-angan seorang budak lelaki
This is every boy’s dream, his way to feel inevitable

Di negara barat, mereka ada Spiderman, Batman, dan Superman
西方的Man有Spider Bat,還有Super
There’re Spiderman, Batman and Superman in the West

Di negara timur pula, kita ada Bruce Lee, Yue Fei, Guan Gong and Raja Monyet
There’re Bruce Lee, Yue Fei, Guan Gong, and Monkey King in the East

Hero-hero hanya tampil dalam dunia yang huru-hara
Heroes only show up during chaotic times

Hero-hero biasanya berkungfu handal

He’s either very powerful,

mabuk kepayang, ataupun mempunyai impian dan tuntutan yang belum tercapai
lovelorn, or having an unfinished business

Hero-hero biasanya berperangai luar biasa
Heroes are always different (also)

Hero-hero mempunyai banyak teman wanita
Heroes always have many girlfriends

Tapi, mereka akan lebih mementingkan negara dan rakyat
But they place the nation and its people above everything else

Hero-hero berjalan dengan rentak perlahan
英雄走路都是Slow mo ( 還有)
Heroes walk in slow motion (also)

Hero mesti tau buat... BOOM!
英雄要會咻………..BOOM!!! ( 還有)
Heroes must know how to create... KABOOM! (also)

Hero-hero seharusnya berani secara rasional
Heroes must have guts and wits

Oleh itu, semua kanak-kanak perlu rajin belajar dan rajin mengamal kungfu
So young children should study hard and practice martial arts diligently

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku ni hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamal kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku ‘hero besar’
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!

Lihatlah bagaimana dunia moden kita dimanipulasi oleh kuasa jahat
看現代 的 世界 被惡勢力操縱
Look at how our modern world is manipulated by an evil force

Terdapat pelbagai dasar dan peraturan yang digubal
擬定的制度和政策 都層出不窮
There are countless of rules and policies made

Mereka menggunakan undang-undang dan kekerasan untuk membendung reaksi
They use the law and force to curb reaction

Siapa yang berani mengaku dirinya ialah salah seseorang daripadanya
Who dares to admit he’s the one

Siapa yang berani lagi menjadi hero besar
Who dares to become a big hero

Muncung senapang sedang menyasar, malah burung pun akan menggeletar
With guns aiming at it even the bird would tremble

Awak kata awak ni heroik, tapi harus juga awak tundukkan kepala
你講你幾厲害 還不是要 默默低頭
You say you’re heroic, but you still have to bow down

Pada pandangan rakyat biasa, hero-hero berkaitan dengan kemasyhuran dan pencapaian
在世俗眼中 英雄叫作名成立就
In the eyes of the mundane people, heroes are all about fame and achievements

Hanya setelahmenjadi jutawan, barulah awak boleh berjalan dengan mendongakkan kepala dan meneggakkan dada
當個百萬富翁 你走路才能抬頭挺胸
Only as a millionaire you could walk with your chest up

Hero-hero pun kena mati juga
Heroes also die

Najis mereka pun berbau busuk juga
Their feces are smelly too.

Selepas buang air besar, mereka pun akan berasa lapar
After defecating, they still get hungry.

Apabila mereka lapar dan tiada apa-apa makanan, mereka akan mengamuk juga
When they are hungry and have nothing to eat, they too become silly.

Sejak kecil, kita akan menerima beberapa amaran
我們從小 都會收到一些警告
Ever since we’re young, we’d received some warnings

Kita perlu belajar untuk menjadi seorang yang patuh kepada undang-undang dan berkelakuan sopan
要學習的 就是奉公守法乖乖做人
We have to learn to abide by the law and behave

Janganlah mengada-ada
Never try to be smart.

Tiada hero-hero lagi setelah aku dewasa
小時候的大英雄 長大之後化為烏有
Although there are no more big heroes after I grew up

Tapi, semangat hero masih dalam darah aku
但他的精神 還流竄在我血液之中
HHis spirit still flows in my blood

Aku mahu berjuang untuk kerjaya dan cita-cita
我要為事業衝鋒 為自己的理想奮鬥
I want to fight for my career and ambition

Semangat keberanian masih mengiringi aku
His fearless spirit still accompanies me by my side

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamal kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku “Hero Besar”
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!

Hero-hero…Menjadi hero...Menjadi hero besar
英雄 想當英雄 當大英雄
Heroes… Be a hero… Be a big hero

Jangan sekali-kali menjadi pemuda yang sia-sia
Never become a useless lad

Meskipun awak menggeletar, genggamlah buku lime
你會發抖 舉起拳頭
Even if you’re trembling, hold up your fist

Marilah tidur awal dan bangun awal untuk mengamalkan kungfu
Let’s sleep and wake up early to practice kungfu

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamalkan kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku “Hero Besar”
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!


Malaysia's First Period Kungfu Comedy Blockbuster, Petaling Street Warriors, Receives Rave Reviews from Heavyweight Industry Players from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & United States!

哈,谁说本地制作一定就local quality呢?请分享给您们的朋友哦!

藍凱莎玲(《畫皮》、《倩女幽魂》出品人;中國香港泰吉影業發行主席暨行政總裁)Ketsarinh Lan (Producer of Painted Skin and A Chinese Fairy Tale; Chairman & CEO of Golden Sun Films Distribution Limited)


"Having a good script and realistic fight scenes, Petaling Street Warriors is a well-made and extremely entertaining production!"

孔令江(V壹網製作主管)Eddie Hung (VDO Next's Video Production Supervisor)

"The subject is very unique, and its minutes-long clip has already shown us the glimpses of a big-budgeted blockbuster!"

馮子昌(香港天極電影制作集團創辦人)Percy Fung (Founder of Film Magic Group)

"Reaching the production level of Hong Kong films, Petaling Street Warriors is a milestone in Malaysian Chinese film history!"

張嘉力(香港天極數碼後期制作人)Cheung Ka Lik (Producer of Digital Magic Hong Kong)

"The subject of Petaling Street Warriors is unseen before in the history of Singapore and Malaysia's film industry. Its story offers us an emotional roller-coaster ride with strong entertainment value!"

台灣片商 A Taiwanese Distributor
“With its high-quality production, the uniqueness of its subject, and its entertainment value, we're interested to distribute Petaling Street Warriors in Taiwan."

Brandon Pender (美國出品人兼發行人, New Dawn Pictures LLC.)
Brandon Pender (American Producer & Distributor, New Dawn Pictures LLC.)
"I think this piece has the possibility of being another Kung Fu Hustle."

Paul Wolansky (美国电影《搏击之王 2》编剧) Paul Wolansky (Screenwriter of American Kickboxer 2)
“Petaling Street Warriors looks like a great, fun nostalgia-filled ride!”

Saturday 19 November 2011

Courtesy of GSC, 20 pairs of Gala ticket will be given out to CARI members.

Courtesy of GSC, 20 pairs of Gala ticket will be given out to CARI members. To win the Gala ticket, please click the link and follow its instruction--->

Theme song 2 by Namewee (Lyrics w/Malay & English) 《史記》词曲:黄明志 演唱:黄明志

有人說有人聽 流言幻化成雨
你離去的腳印 留下無助的迷

線索裡探不清 揣測不住的神秘
越模糊越盡興 世人最愛是猜疑
史記裡 無暇荒唐的你

你會在哪裡 如果能夠遇見你
如果能編劇 我會寫下不朽傳奇

不想說不想聽 沒有誰能代替


With Malay & English translations

Catatan Sejarah
Records of the Grand Historian

Ada orang berkata, dan ada orang mendengar, khabar angin menjadi hujan
有人說有人聽 流言幻化成雨
Said by some and heard by some, rumors are as surreal as rain

Catatan-catatan sejarah senantiasa ditokok-tambahkan demi sensasi
The history records are often exaggerated for the sake of sensation

Tapak kaki awak telah meninggalkan misteri-misteri yang tidak dapat dijelaskan
你離去的腳印 留下無助的迷
The footprints you’ve left are now unsolved mysteries

Bertaburan dalam kabus-kabus Nusantara
Scattered amidst the mist of Southeast Asia

Petunjuk yang kurang jelas, misteri yang sukar diduga
線索裡探不清 揣測不住的神秘
Clues lead to nowhere and secrets run deep

Jangan ketawakan obsesi aku dalam mendapatkan jawapan
Don’t laugh at my obsession for answers

Jawapan makin samar-samar, makin menunjukkan minat yang meluap-luap
The vaguer the answer, the more exciting it becomes

Manusia suka mencurigai
What people love most is wild-guessing

Dalam catatan sejarah, awak tiada masa lapang untuk berfoya-foya
史記裡 無暇荒唐的你
In the history record, you were too busy to goof about

Di manakah awak, jika kita berpeluang untuk bertemu
你會在哪裡 如果能夠遇見你
Where would you be if I could bump into you

Aku akan menjelaskan semua salah-faham
I would then clear up the misunderstandings

Jika aku pandai menulis lakon layar, aku akan menulis suatu legenda yang abadi
如果能編劇 我會寫下不朽傳奇
If I could write a screenplay, I’d write something legendary

Yang kekal abadi ialah bukti
What remains unchanged is the proof

Enggan berkata, enggan mendengar, tiada siapa yang dapat mengganti
不想說不想聽 沒有誰能代替
Whether it’s been said or heard, nothing can replace it

Hanya awak yang dapat buktikan
And you’re the only proof

Theme Song 1 by Namewee (Lyrics w/Malay & English)《大英雄》词曲:黄明志 演唱:黄明志

小時候 我最愛看的就是漫畫卡通
看完之後 我都會自己亂練武功
幻想自己 長大之後要變成大英雄
這是男孩子的夢 是他的護體神功
西方的Man 有Spider Bat的還有 Super
通常有高強武功 不然就是愛恨情仇壯志未酬

英雄總是與眾不同 (還有) 英雄一定要懂喝酒 ( 還有)
英雄有很多女朋友 但是他們都會把國家人民看得比較重
英雄走路都是Slow mo ( 還有) 英雄要會咻………..BOOM!!! ( 還有)
英雄不能有勇無謀 所以小朋友要努力讀書努力練武功

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功

看現代 的 世界 被惡勢力操縱
擬定的制度和政策 都層出不窮
誰還敢對號入座 看誰還敢當大英雄

你講你幾厲害 還不是要 默默低頭
在世俗眼中 英雄叫作名成立就
當個百萬富翁 你走路才能抬頭挺胸

英雄嘛A死 放屎嘛是臭
放了嘛A餓 餓了無飯吃了嘛是小小
我們從小 都會收到一些警告
要學習的 就是奉公守法乖乖做人 麥假摮

小時候的大英雄 長大之後化為烏有
但他的精神 還流串在我血液之中
我要為事業衝鋒 為自己的理想奮鬥

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功

英雄 想當英雄 當大英雄 千萬不要當個扶不起的阿斗
你會發抖 舉起拳頭 早睡早起大家一起練功

呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄

With Malay & English Translation
Big Heroes
Hero Besar

Semasa kecil, aku suka menonton kartun
小時候, 我最愛看的就是漫畫卡通
When I was young, I used to love watching cartoons the most

Selepas menonton kartun, aku berpura-pura mengamal kungfu
看完之後, 我都會自己亂練武功
And then I’d pretend I know kungfu afterwards

Aku berangan-angan menjadi hero handal dewasa kelak
Dreaming that I’d grow up becoming a big hero

Inilah angan-angan seorang budak lelaki
This is every boy’s dream, his way to feel inevitable

Di negara barat, mereka ada Spiderman, Batman, dan Superman
西方的Man有Spider Bat,還有Super
There’re Spiderman, Batman and Superman in the West

Di negara timur pula, kita ada Bruce Lee, Yue Fei, Guan Gong and Raja Monyet
There’re Bruce Lee, Yue Fei, Guan Gong, and Monkey King in the East

Hero-hero hanya tampil dalam dunia yang huru-hara
Heroes only show up during chaotic times

Hero-hero biasanya berkungfu handal

He’s either very powerful,

mabuk kepayang, ataupun mempunyai impian dan tuntutan yang belum tercapai
lovelorn, or having an unfinished business

Hero-hero biasanya berperangai luar biasa
Heroes are always different (also)

Hero-hero mempunyai banyak teman wanita
Heroes always have many girlfriends

Tapi, mereka akan lebih mementingkan negara dan rakyat
But they place the nation and its people above everything else

Hero-hero berjalan dengan rentak perlahan
英雄走路都是Slow mo ( 還有)
Heroes walk in slow motion (also)

Hero mesti tau buat... BOOM!
英雄要會咻………..BOOM!!! ( 還有)
Heroes must know how to create... KABOOM! (also)

Hero-hero seharusnya berani secara rasional
Heroes must have guts and wits

Oleh itu, semua kanak-kanak perlu rajin belajar dan rajin mengamal kungfu
So young children should study hard and practice martial arts diligently

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku ni hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamal kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku ‘hero besar’
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!

Lihatlah bagaimana dunia moden kita dimanipulasi oleh kuasa jahat
看現代 的 世界 被惡勢力操縱
Look at how our modern world is manipulated by an evil force

Terdapat pelbagai dasar dan peraturan yang digubal
擬定的制度和政策 都層出不窮
There are countless of rules and policies made

Mereka menggunakan undang-undang dan kekerasan untuk membendung reaksi
They use the law and force to curb reaction

Siapa yang berani mengaku dirinya ialah salah seseorang daripadanya
Who dares to admit he’s the one

Siapa yang berani lagi menjadi hero besar
Who dares to become a big hero

Muncung senapang sedang menyasar, malah burung pun akan menggeletar
With guns aiming at it even the bird would tremble

Awak kata awak ni heroik, tapi harus juga awak tundukkan kepala
你講你幾厲害 還不是要 默默低頭
You say you’re heroic, but you still have to bow down

Pada pandangan rakyat biasa, hero-hero berkaitan dengan kemasyhuran dan pencapaian
在世俗眼中 英雄叫作名成立就
In the eyes of the mundane people, heroes are all about fame and achievements

Hanya setelahmenjadi jutawan, barulah awak boleh berjalan dengan mendongakkan kepala dan meneggakkan dada
當個百萬富翁 你走路才能抬頭挺胸
Only as a millionaire you could walk with your chest up

Hero-hero pun kena mati juga
Heroes also die

Najis mereka pun berbau busuk juga
Their feces are smelly too.

Selepas buang air besar, mereka pun akan berasa lapar
After defecating, they still get hungry.

Apabila mereka lapar dan tiada apa-apa makanan, mereka akan mengamuk juga
When they are hungry and have nothing to eat, they too become silly.

Sejak kecil, kita akan menerima beberapa amaran
我們從小 都會收到一些警告
Ever since we’re young, we’d received some warnings

Kita perlu belajar untuk menjadi seorang yang patuh kepada undang-undang dan berkelakuan sopan
要學習的 就是奉公守法乖乖做人
We have to learn to abide by the law and behave

Janganlah mengada-ada
Never try to be smart.

Tiada hero-hero lagi setelah aku dewasa
小時候的大英雄 長大之後化為烏有
Although there are no more big heroes after I grew up

Tapi, semangat hero masih dalam darah aku
但他的精神 還流竄在我血液之中
HHis spirit still flows in my blood

Aku mahu berjuang untuk kerjaya dan cita-cita
我要為事業衝鋒 為自己的理想奮鬥
I want to fight for my career and ambition

Semangat keberanian masih mengiringi aku
His fearless spirit still accompanies me by my side

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamal kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku “Hero Besar”
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!

Hero-hero…Menjadi hero...Menjadi hero besar
英雄 想當英雄 當大英雄
Heroes… Be a hero… Be a big hero

Jangan sekali-kali menjadi pemuda yang sia-sia
Never become a useless lad

Meskipun awak menggeletar, genggamlah buku lime
你會發抖 舉起拳頭
Even if you’re trembling, hold up your fist

Marilah tidur awal dan bangun awal untuk mengamalkan kungfu
Let’s sleep and wake up early to practice kungfu

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku hero besar
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我是大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m a big hero

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Aku sedang mengamalkan kungfu
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 我在練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! I’m practicing kungfu

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Panggillah aku “Hero Besar”
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 叫我大英雄
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Call me “Big Hero”!

Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Marilah dan menyaksikanlah kungfu aku
呼哈 呼呼哈…呼哈 看我練武功
Hooha, hoohooha, hooha! Come and look at my kungfu!

Friday 18 November 2011

Hong Kong Filmmakers Highly Recommends PSW (Preview 1)

Mr. Percy Fung,is the founder of Film Magic Group in Hong Kong. He has 32 years of experience in movie production and digital post production. Involved in over a thousand films from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other parts of Asia.

In terms of visual effects and post prodution, Percy has worked on big budget films like “Hero”, “The Banquet”, “The Assembly” and “Kungfu Dunk”.

Percy also gives public seminars on topics related to 3D and 4D movies. Clientele includes China Telecommunications, Hangzhou Museum, Microsoft, Miss Asia Beauty Pageant 3D and many more.

As for personal achievement, Percy has won many international awards for commercial and movie production. For many years, he has been actively involved in many awards show as a judge. Shows like Asian Television Award; Hong Kong Film Award/ HKAF Professional adjudicator, Independent Film and Television award/ IFVA, Hong Kong ICT Digital Entertainment Award.

In 2007, he was awarded a title “Hong Kong’s most influential person in Digital Entertainment”. In 2008 he was selected as SMPTE/Follow.

馮子昌 Mr. Percy Fung,香港天極電影制作集團創辦人。有三十二年電影制作及數字後期


Hong Kong Filmmakers Highly Recommends PSW (Rough Preview 3)

Michael Lai, young filmmaker from Hong Kong

Hong Kong Filmmakers Highly Recommends PSW (Rough Preview 3)

蓝凯莎玲Ketsarinh Lan
《画皮》、《倩女幽魂》出品人; 中國香港泰吉影業發行主席暨行政總裁
Producer of Painted Skin and A Chinese Fairy Tale; Chairman & CEO of Golden Sun Films Distribution Limited

Hong Kong Filmmakers Highly Recommends PSW (Rough Preview 2)

张嘉力Cheung Ka Lik
Digital Movie Work Producer, Digital Magic (Hong Kong)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Review of PSW by Regional Industry Players (3)

Ketsarinh Lan (Producer of Painted Skin and A Chinese Fairy Tale)


"Having a good script and realistic fight scenes, Petaling Street Warriors is a well-made and extremely entertaining production!"

Review of PSW by Regional Industry Players (2)

Percy Fung (Post-production & visual effects for Hero, The Banquet, The Assembly, and Kungfu Dunk)


"Reaching the production level of Hong Kong films, Petaling Street Warriors is a milestone in Malaysian Chinese film history!"

Review of PSW by Regional Industry Players (1)

Cheung Ka Lik (Producer of Digital Magic Hong Kong)


"The subject of Petaling Street Warriors is unseen before in the history of Singapore and Malaysia's film industry. Its story offers us an emotional roller-coaster ride with strong entertainment value!"

Saturday 12 November 2011

Even heroes get hungry... 英雄也会肚子饿..

Even heroes get hungry... 英雄也会肚子饿..

那些年,用木棍打我们的女孩... XD


"Don't Ask"

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Yann Yann in PSW (LOVE & FIGHT scenes)

Namewee in PSW (BADASS FIGHT & FUNNY scenes)